my sister's cat swallowed a sewing needle with the thread attached - same as your experience, it traveled all the way through without tragedy. how is that possible???

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Wow! I’m so glad to hear that.

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Those overalls are perfection 🚂

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Thanks! I hold onto them even if I end up not wearing for a year or so bc I know I’ll always come back to them

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These are so great. Just got a new Apiece Apart blouse that I tracked down on Depop after I went on a research spiral after your last outfits roundup! I've worn it a million times already. Thank you so much for the inspiration.

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Love to inspire a research spiral!

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I’m so glad all of these pets are okay, too!

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Sep 18Liked by Eleanor

Gahhh why are our pets addicted to eating things that could kill them?! My cat ate some black thread (I do not sew so who knows what it was even attached to?!) a few years ago and she had to stay in the hospital for 3 nights. I feel you. Glad your fur baby is ok!!!

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Three nights!! I would have been beside myself! So glad she’s okay!

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So glad you’re dog made it unscathed! I also loved how you wore the blouse again so you had a different less traumatic memory to connect it with 💛 I’m also a big fan of the overalls

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😊thanks! The overalls were an impulse purchase from a vintage store here in New York a long time ago, maybe 2016? The shirt I got that day is also something I still wear. Feels nice to get so much use out of a true impulse buy!

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Sep 18Liked by Eleanor

Yup, I have a Baggu leather tote that is my go-to bag for fall, looks amazing and holds a ton of stuff!

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Ooh what color is it?

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Black, it’s basically a leather version of the duck bag

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Sep 17Liked by Eleanor

Oh that rodebjer shirt-jacket is so comfy looking!! I have a similar blue jacket that I have trouble styling (overthinking.gif) and I am totally using this as reference!!

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Blue is hard for outerwear bc I feel like it’s tricky to get it right with denim!

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You have such great style! Especially love the pops of red in the day three look!

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Thank you!

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